Butia x Jubaea hybrid palm seedlings for sale

Butia x Jubaea is a hybrid palm, typically resulting from the cross between the Brazilian Butia capitata and the Chilean Jubaea chilensis. This hybrid combines characteristics from both parent species, often exhibiting a robust growth habit and attractive feathery fronds.

Key Features:

  1. Appearance: It usually has a stout trunk and arching fronds that can be quite impressive, often reaching a considerable height.
  2. Climate: It tends to thrive in warm, subtropical to temperate climates and is somewhat cold-tolerant compared to other palms.
  3. Uses: Commonly used in landscaping for its ornamental value and hardiness.

While by no means a new hybrid palm, this cross is rarely available due to the flowering trait of the Jubaea chilensis. Likewise, it is generally considered that mature trees of this cross are self sterile, and therefore to produce viable seed it must be again cross pollinated with another plam in the cocosoid family. It was well known that the late Dr. Merrill Wilcox in Gainsville FL produced additional generations of Butia x Jubaea hybrids from plants grown from seed collected from a hybrid at Fairchild Botanical Gardens in the 1970s. Patrick Schafer worked immensley with the late Dick Douglas to produce hybrids both ways, with one particular being named after him, ×Jubautia splendens ‘Dick Douglas’.

With Jubaea chinensis in the mix, these trees are expected to grow into massive specimen, reaching skyward to a height between 30 and 50 feet tall with a trunk diameter between 2 and 3 feet. Additionally, the crown will contain a mass of arching and erect bluish green fronds, each extending 12 to 20 foot long and very pinnate.

The Butia x Jubaea hybrid palms I have for sale are F2 plants, meaning these were germinated from seed produced by an F1 cross. The parent tree was open pollinated with no other cocosoid palms within reasonable range, so cross pollination with another tree was unlikely, and thus the tree has been determined to be self fertile.

These hybrid palm seedlings for sale are about a year old, are currently growing in tree tubes pots and are ready to be upsized into one gallon pots. Visit my store to view available of Butia x Jubaea palms for sale and other plants.